Diamond mini wallet

Diamond mini wallet

This mini wallet has very nice design and works up quickly, this pattern is suitable for beginners.

Work it up in your favorite colors and make unique and pretty useful accessories.

Not to mention it doesn't require much yarn, so it's yet another stash buster project.

Also, this pattern is the fastest way of working up gifts. :)

Check out more free patterns: www.byoana.com


You will need:

  • Cotton yarn: I used Alize Bahar (grey and jade colors)
  • Hook: 3.0mm
  • Zipper
  • Needle for sewing the zipper


  • sc - single crochet
  • inc - increase (two single crochet in the same stitch)
  • (..) - represents the sequence that will repeat
  • x and number - the number of times to repeat a sequence
  • [..] - the number between square brackets is the number of loops at the end of row


The pattern is written in US terminology.


Start with grey color and make a chain of 28 Diamond mini wallet, chain 28

Row 1: 26sc, inc, 26sc, inc Diamond mini wallet, row 1

Row 2: inc, 26sc, inc, inc, 26sc, inc Diamond mini wallet, row 2

Row 3: Take out the hook from last grey chain and add a stitch marker to make sure the stitches don't get unravel.
Attach jade color on the next stitch with a sc.
Diamond mini wallet, attach jade color
This row will be worked with 'special' sc stiches. Insert hook into the base of next stitch (not into the top loop of the stitch, like you would for a regular sc). This will wrap your sc over the previous round.
Diamond mini wallet, special sc
Make two sc in the same stitch - to form a 'diamond' Diamond mini wallet, special sc
Skip the next stitch and then make two sc into the next one. Diamond mini wallet, special scs
Repeat this until you reach the end of the row. Diamond mini wallet, special row

Row 4: with grey color, make one row of regular sc stitches Diamond mini wallet, row 4

Next, repeat the following sequence:
- with jade color, make one row of: two special sc stitches in the same stitch, skip one stitch
- with grey color, make one row of regular sc stitches
Do this up until you have 12 rows of jade diamonds. Diamond mini wallet

Cut the yarn for the jade color.
Make one more row of sc stitches using the grey color.
Cut the yarn for grey color also and hide tails.

Attach zipper:

Take the zipper and manually sew it on the wallet. Use the last row and insert needle in each stitch. Diamond mini wallet, sew zipper


If you follow this pattern and share your finished wallet, please tag me @crochetbyoana on Instagram. I would love to see how it turnes out for you! :)